Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mini's and Meets

Friday was Eric's birthday. And with all my cake decorating "training", I was put in charge of creating a masterpiece of a cake. My first thought was to do something about the Mini. I wanted to make a "Mini" cake, actually shaped like a Mini. But I'm not that advanced. So I took the easy way out. I found a picture online, sized it to fit, then traced it with icing on wax paper. Then I pressed the image down on the cake. Which is what the photo above shows.

Then I basically filled in the lines with frosting. I kind of wish I had a bigger variety of shades of colors, but this was really my first official cake. So simple was better. And Eric knew exactly what it was when he saw it, so I guess it was a success. I think I need practice with the script font, but other than that, I was pleased with the outcome.

We went up to Sheila's house to celebrate. Laura lit the candles. Gary took video.

And here is Eric's post-blowfish photo. He was too quick for me.

Also last week was the CNYCL Championship meet. Alex ran the 1600, 800 and 4x400 relay.

The 1600 was first. He described the race as a 1400 meter run followed by a 200 meter sprint.

Alex won that 200 meter sprint at the end and won the 1600. It was only the 2nd time he had run that race all season. And it was a VERY windy day. Check the flags out in the picture below, they are out straight.

By the time he ran the 800, he was still pretty beat from the 1600. He placed a respectable 3rd overall.

And here he is at the end of the 4x400 relay. Love that stride! The relay team came in 4th. Liverpool came in 2nd overall in the meet. This week's meet is a big one, the Section III Championship. I think he's going to go back to just running the 800. I know he wants to win that one. He's got a good shot, he's still seeded 1st in the Section. It'll be a great race for sure.


Beth in NEPA said...

The cake looks great.
And I agree, that is a great stride. Way to go Alex!

Dale said...

What an event for Alex! WON the 1600 after only running it once before! Still was able to do well
in the 800 and 400 relay - what endurance!!

Nice job on the mini cake!!