Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday Stuff

Eric and I were out running some errands today. While we were at the Christmas Tree Shop (yes, he voluntarily went there with me!) we saw this display. Isn't it a hoot! We saw Gary's name first, then Greg's and thought that was funny, then Eric noticed his name on top. I had to take a picture of it. 

And good news... the lawn guy mowed the lawn!

And Eric has been busy working the annual TelAuc. One more weekend after this, then he's home-free.


Beth in NEPA said...

Good news about the mowing. We are trying to find someone here to mow ours. Your father needs the time for other things.

Love those signs. How perfect was that arrangement.

D said...

Great sign. What are the chances of those three names together...guess it's a sign😀