Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Week in Pictures

I kind of let this week slip by without any posts. It was a fairly quiet week, as you'll see with a few photos of the "highlights"...

Last Sunday was Halloween. I made some fabulous French Onion Soup for lunch.

And we learned that the Cayenne Pepper trick did NOT work to keep the squirrels from eating our pumpkins. I learned a new trick to try next year, involving Vaseline...

We didn't have as many trick-or-treaters this year. Which made Alex very happy. I'm not sure exactly how much sugar he ate this past week, but it was a lot.

I also made an apple crisp on Halloween evening. Which was very tasty.

On Tuesday, we voted.
Yesterday, Alex and I were spectators at the Section III X-Country Championships. He said it was weird not running, and he's more inspired than ever to make it next year. This photo above is of his friend Sean, he ran an excellent race.

Today we went to the Syracuse Harvest Fest at the Fairgrounds. It was a great event. I'm pretty sure there were double the wine/beer vendors than food vendors. I only indulged in my favorite Wisteria Wine however as Alex went with us, so it was all about the food today. And we ate a lot! From cookies, to cheese, jellies & jams, to baked potatoes, to turkey sausage and ice cream... All made right here in NY State.

And that was our week in a nutshell. (Aside from working and going to school and all that other junk.) Oh! And something I didn't get a picture of... Our little Jenny pulled a Houdini yesterday while Alex and I were at the x-country meet. Eric had put her out back on her chain and after awhile, things got quiet. And the phone rang. It was our neighbor. Jenny had pulled up her chain from the ground and decided to go for a walk. All by herself! With 20' of chain following along behind her. She only got as far as across the street and Eric went over to rescue her. And to scold her too...


Whitaker Woods said...

I can't help but laugh at Jenny! I can see her sneaking right away.

Greg and Diane Hayden said...

Jenny is a hoot. Love the food photos. They look like they're right out of a magazine.

Dale said...

OH NO! Dangerous behavior, Jenny! Our first dog did the same thing but we weren't as lucky. :`(