Monday, April 25, 2011

Menu Plan Revised

It was brought to my attention recently that I haven't been posting my weekly menu plans. Rest assured I still do the menu plans, I just haven't been posting them. Since my blog is private, I can't really play the "Menu Plan Monday" game anymore.

So here's my Menu Plan for this week. It's a basic week, nothing new or exciting. Alex has 2 track meets this week, so there are a couple of "easy" nights.

Monday: Pork Chops, Rice and Applesauce
Tuesday: Hamburgers, Baked Beans and Pasta
Wednesday: Chicken Patties with Rolls, French Fries (Track Meet)
Thursday: BBQ Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies
Friday: Pizza (Track Meet)

And there it is. My very simple menu plan for this week.

So... I have a question. Is anyone (besides me and probably my mom) going to get up really early Friday to watch a certain Royal Wedding??

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