Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tomatoes and Taxes

I've heard really great things about the "Topsy Turvy" and thought I would try one this year. They're priced around $20, but I found this generic version called "Bottoms Up" at Big Lots for only $7, so I got it. I mean, really, all you're paying for is that plastic bag planter hanging thing. You have to supply your own tomato plant. Which I still need to get. We're probably going to have another frost or two... so I'll have to wait a couple of weeks. Has anyone tried the upside down tomato planter before? I'm really curious how well it really works.

In other news... we've been pretty disgusted with the tax situation here in New York. Especially our property tax. They increased our town property tax 53% this year. Yeah, you read that right, 53%! And there's also an increase in the school portion of property tax on the voting ballot. (We'll be voting NO to that!!) So our total property taxes are around $5,500. (This is all public knowledge and available on the internet... so I'm ok talking about this!)

Anyway, we bought our house for $145,000. It was assessed at $162,000, which is the price we're paying taxes on. Our next door neighbor has an identical house to us, well except for the double sized lot, the big addition on the back and the in-ground pool... and they are assessed less than us at $157,000 and pay less in taxes than we do. Soooo... Eric contacted the town tax assessor. And he came out to the house and took some measurements. A few days later, he contacted Eric and told him that he was lowering our assessment! By $12,500. Which puts us just below $150,000. That is much closer to the actual worth of our house. And in turn will lower our property taxes. We're not sure the actual numbers just yet, but we are VERY relieved that something was actually done in our favor! That seems to never happen... I wonder if they'll increase our neighbors taxes now that they were made aware of how nice their house is! (Oops!)

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