I am very pleased with the Topsy-Turvy tomato plant hanger. This was a small little tomato plant a couple of weeks ago, it's thriving in its upside down home!

And it already has little flowers, and will hopefully have tomatoes growing out of those very soon! I've never had tomatoes this early before.

Here's a sneak peek of our renovations. This is the office, I really like the slate blue color. I painted the trim too, it was natural wood before. I loved the fact that we're getting rid of the carpet, I was able to cut the rug away from the trim, which really helped with painting! It was also nice not worrying about spilling paint... although I didn't. But it was nice knowing it didn't matter if I did.

And here's Alex running in the last regular season meet. He got a personal best in the 800 (2:12 for those keeping track). Saturday is the CNS Invitational and Sectionals are next Wednesday. Then the season will before over for Alex. That was fast!
Way to go Alex!!!
Love the blue color! Can't wait to see the final product.
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