Monday, May 30, 2011

Pelo Party

Last evening we went to the annual "Pelo Memorial Day Party". It's the first party of the official summer season.

It was very warm and humid. Lots of nice people were there, most of the usuals, some new.

As usual, there was lots of great food.

And lots of drinking.

This year, Louise has taken to chasing the geese off their property. Which is not an easy task. These are some mean geese! They hiss at her and chase her back. But she is relentless. I think she's tired of them using her beautiful lawn as a toilet...

They are kind of cute... once you get them off your property!

And what would an event be without Eric being creative with a camera.

1 comment:

Greg and Diane Hayden said...

The Pelo party always looks like a great time. They have a very pretty spot.