Friday, August 17, 2012

Running Camp

Alex has returned from camp. It seems like he enjoyed himself. I asked if he wanted to go again next year and I got a "maybe". These were all the kids that stayed in his cabin. 10 of them are teammates, the others were from Utica and Cooperstown. Alex is in the back row in the orange.

This was the teeny tiny cabin he stayed in, there were 16 teenage (smelly) boys that slept in that cabin! That's not my idea of fun, but he said he liked it. The guy in the picture was one of his counselors.

This was the inside of the cabin. There were 8 bunk beads on each side. Alex was one of the first ones that arrived, he picked a top bunk. Again, not my idea of fun, but the kids seem to like it. So I guess that's all that matters!

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