Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekend Update

Eric's friend John invited us to spend the day Saturday on his new boat. It's always nice to have friends with boats, especially on such nice days!

Eric relaxed and enjoyed himself.

He also took lots of pictures.

It was really a picture-perfect day.

Today we went up to Gary & Paula's new house. It's coming along nicely! The outside is just about done. This is the side/back of the house. The part on the right is the new garage. The 2 big windows are part of the new "great room" addition.

The only siding left is on the top of the big addition. It's really going to be nice!

Gary & Paula were installing some plumbing today. Next weekend, they're installing the heat.

And here's Laura & Kelly sitting on their porch. I took them back to school shopping today, we had LOTS of fun and they got some really nice new clothes and shoes too. Kelly has on one of her new shirts already.

Here's Laura modeling one of her new very pretty outfits! I didn't take that many pictures while we were shopping, since I didn't have my camera with me, just my phone. Which is why it's not the best quality. But she's awfully adorable, isn't she?!

1 comment:

D said...

The girls are getting so big. Laura is looking very grown up. The stone on the house is beautiful. The house really looks nice. I know they'll be really happy when they move in. Thanks for the pics.