Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday Night Update

Eric is continuing to improve. He even put on real clothes today. 

He continues to have bowel movements about every 45 minutes and they are pretty much still liquid. So they're concerned about that. They've been giving him imodium every 4 hours. So far it's not working. He has moved up to creamy foods and has had cream of wheat twice and cream of chicken soup. He also had some pudding. He's starting to get an appetite back.

 He has also been battling constant hiccups. They're annoying and also keep him from getting any real sleep. The doctors have prescribed a lot of different drugs but nothing has worked. Hiccups have been one of his chemo side effects, but they've never been this bad or lasted this long. 

We've got a lake effect snow band over us. I'm prepared to stay the night if necessary. 

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