Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday Afternoon Update

We've had some big improvements today. Shortly after getting the NG tube removed, he got to have lunch. Which included jello and chicken broth. He's handling everything well so far and it seems to be moving through the bowels as it should.

He had a special visitor today. Paula was amazing and brought Sheila (Eric's mom) up for a visit. Eric was very pleased to see his Mommy. 

The doctor said he'll be on a liquid diet until tomorrow then start introducing a few more things like creamy soups and cream of wheat. A possible release could be Saturday or Sunday. As soon as he is able to sustain himself with liquids and foods.

 This photo is taken from Eric's new private room on the 4th floor. (He has friends in high places here at Crouse!) 

1 comment:

Beth in NEPA said...

What a wonderful thing to see Eric looking SO MUCH better!! Glad Sheila could get to visit with him along with Paula.