Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Festivities

Eric and I started off our day at Panera with a fabulous breakfast. I love their Asiago Bagel breakfast sandwich.

Later in the afternoon we went to Sheila's for a Mother's Day Dinner. We all pitched in and got Sheila a GIANT gift this year. 

She has quite the time getting it open. I think those are Kelly's feet hanging out the back, helping to get the gift open. She's always a great helper.

Ta-da! A new dresser/basket thing to help organize her bedroom. Isn't it neat!?  I could really use something like that too.

The after-party. It was funnier when Kelly, Alex and I were also there playing with our devices.

Alex was not cooperating with photo taking. 

He did go out and walk Bella a couple of times though.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's who read the blog. Especially my own. I know we weren't able to get together this year, but I was certainly thinking about you and hope you had a wonderful day.

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