Monday, August 15, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, Eric and I went downtown to the Arts & Crafts Festival. We didn't really take photos of the actual "Arts & Crafts"... but we did take some interesting pictures.

This was a neat alley next to the parking lot where we parked.

This is the "Galleries" of Syracuse. Apparently there is a library, some stores and other businesses in there. I've never been there before, but the outside looks really cool.

This is the back of Christopher Columbus. He's overlooking Columbus Circle. This is actually where I sat and had lunch when I was on Jury Duty. There are several hot dog carts that are there every day. It's kind of a neat down-town type thing.

And our "self-portrait". I liked that mirror, it was for sale. I actually took the photo so I could steal the idea and maybe make one for myself.

And speaking of downtown, meet WCNY's new building. The land has officially been purchased and the groundbreaking is in a few weeks. Here's an article the local paper did on the project. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this really happens. Our current building is about to collapse... and it will be a miracle if the roof survives another winter!

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