Sunday, October 23, 2011

Babies and Halloween

I'd like to introduce you all to Kara. (aka "Jelly Bean")... This is my friend Robin's little girl, she was born on the same day that Alex was born. Well, 15 years later anyway! Isn't she adorable and sweet!? I hope Robin doesn't mind me sharing with my blog readers, since this is private, I don't think it will be ok. And Grandma Linnette, is a faithful reader, so Congrats Linnette!! She's beautiful!

There really isn't a whole lot going on around the Hayden House this week. No more cross country meets until November 5th. Just lots and lots and lots of practice. Halloween is next week, so I've decorated the house a little bit.

Just a little... the usual fall leaves and fake pumpkins here and there.

And a scarecrow doll.

The outside is festive as well. Alex would like us to get a pumpkin this week so we can carve it for Halloween. I didn't want to get it too early since the squirrels seem to make a feast out of them before Halloween even gets here...

1 comment:

Linnette said...

What a nice surprise to check in here and see little Kara (JB)! It put a smile on my face!!!! Grampy and I are headed back down on Saturday to see The Joneses, babysit for Kara and let Robin and Steve get out of the house....our pleasure!