Saturday, November 12, 2011

2 Cakes, 3 L's and a Wreathe

This week, Alex had his end of season cross-country banquet. It was at Meghan MacMurphys, one of our favorite places!

It was quite crowded with 40+ kids and their families. But it was a nice evening. The boys pictured are only half the team. Alex is the one in the white shirt and tie sort of in the middle of the bunch. The coach is the woman in the red shirt, on the right. She deserves an award just for dealing with 43 teenage boys on a daily basis! She's really a great coach and quite a motivator.

Alex earned his letter this year, so now he has 3. We only got one letter "back in my day"... and then pins for each sport. I guess these days they get one letter per sport and then from here on out, they just get pins. This is his cross country shelf. These are the racing bibs, ribbons, certificates, etc. that he earned this season. He'll pack them up soon and clear the shelf (except for the L's) for the upcoming Indoor Track season. He's getting quite a collection of memorabilia. I'm sure it will only grow from here.

In other random news, I helped create this wreathe at work the other day. It's going to the Food Bank for a fund raiser. I thought it was adorable!

1 comment:

Beth in NEPA said...

Cute wreath!

Way to go Alex, glad you got another letter!