Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Digs

Tonight, WCNY kicked off its big "Capital Campaign" with an event at the architect's office who is designing our new building. They also happen to be across the street from our new building. And, their building is designed much the same way that our building is being designed. Using renewable resources and a combination of new and old materials.

There were about 300 or so WCNY supporters in attendance. We showed a few videos (all of which were created by Eric!)... and some of which are also on the wcny.org website. (Under the yellow Capital Campaign tab at the top of the page.)

This was the view from above. You can see the neat building in this picture. It has a very industrial and open feel. The person at the podium speaking is the County Executive. She was in attendance, as well as the Mayor of Syracuse and the Chancellor of Syracuse University.

We gave out some "bricks" to all those in attendance (They are miniature bricks.) As well as lots of literature, most of which I designed. (And is not pictured.)

This is a current picture of our new building site. The de-construction is going very well. If you look in the middle of the photo, there is a small portion of the building left standing. Apparently they found an old safe on the 2nd floor. They are waiting for someone to come and remove the safe, and then they're going to get someone to try to open it... maybe there will be a treasure in it! Or maybe it will be like Geraldo's opening of Al Capone's Vault... I'll keep you posted!

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