Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We spent Thanksgiving at Gary & Paula's house and had a wonderful day!

Gary and Paula are always such great hosts. They really went all out with the dinner, everything was perfect! Gary and my dad carved the 2 turkeys.

This was the "big" bird. They had another in the crock pot.

One half of the table, with Gary, Kelly, Sheila, Rich, Paula and my mom.

And the other side, with my dad, me, Laura, Alex, and Kelly again. I think Arlene is down at the end. Paula's dad and his friend Arlene stopped by for dessert.

This was my very full plate full of food. I was so stuffed I could barely move.

We got to Skype with Greg, Diane, Emily, Derek and Mark. We wished they could have been there, but it was nice to share part of the day with them via Skype. Now that we have video phones, maybe the flying cars will be along soon...

Here's Laura looking very pretty with her pink bow!

And Kelly enjoyed the black frosting a little too much!

Laura took a nice photo of Eric and I.

Mom and Kelly played on their tablets.

Alex looked up Turkey Trot results.

And I enjoyed sharing my birthday with my wonderful family! Thanks for everyone who made Thanksgiving and my birthday such a special day. Especially Sheila, who made this adorable turkey cake!!

Oh... and who could forget little Jenny. She was there as well. Sitting under the table, playing the part of a canister vacuum.


Whitaker Woods said...

A very nice overview of our turkey day. It was great to have all here in person and via skype!

Aunt Margi said...

We love seeing all of the pictures. So far and yet so near! Congrats to Alex on the great showing. And a Happy Birthday to Amanda!!

D said...

Glad we could participate even if from afar.