Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cookouts and a Track Update

Last night we went up to Fulton for an impromptu cookout at Gary & Paula's temporary home. It was a beautiful evening. 

And this is what we all pulled together. It was pretty darn good for "impromptu"!

Alex and Rich watched a track meet on tv.

While Paula and I filled the wine sculpture with empty bottles... that we may or may not have emptied ourselves... 

Their temporary neighbor (also from a burn-out family awaiting their new home to be built) got in on the wine sculpture with her box of wine.

I'm sure it's not as "fancy" as many wine sculptures, but it worked for us!

Laura and Kelly had lots of friends to play with and were going to be camping out in the yard.

One of the kids "accidentally" kicked Kelly's ball into the river. It was a pretty traumatic event for her...

But thankfully Rich came to the rescue with his Kayak and saved the day!

After dinner, Alex wanted to see the Fulton HS track. So we headed over there. I'm not sure when it was built, but Eric said this sure wasn't around when he went to school there!

It was a very nice facility. Even if Alex thinks the track is lopsided.

And speaking of track, the Class AA sectionals was last week. Alex is beginning to feel better. He ran better than he has been running, but still not at his best. He gave a good showing in the open 800 meter. Not quite good enough to get to the State Qualifying meet, but I know he'll be there next year. He will however get to to the Qualifying meet for the 4x800 relay. The team made the cut-off time so his season was extended another week. The meet is Thursday the 31st.

Also next week is the annual Track Banquet. I managed to get myself on the Banquet Committee. I'm designing the programs and I also made these fun pictures for all the seniors. It's been keeping me extra busy, but it's been fun. I have a feeling now that they know I can do this, I'll have a new "job" for the next couple of years...

1 comment:

D said...

Great pics, wish we could have been there. The food looked yummy, kudos for Rich on the save and happy volunteering for you.