Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fresh Veggies

This was my haul at the farmer's market this morning. All of this was only $9. We got 3 tomatoes, 2 big zucchini, 2 green peppers, 1 yellow pepper, 8 jalapeno peppers, 2 yellow squash, 1 bunch green onions and a head of romaine lettuce. Alex and I had fabulous salads for lunch today!

Also this week, there was another track meet. Liverpool vs. Baldwinsville. There was a big match up between the 4x800 relay teams. Liverpool won. It was apparently epic. But I missed Alex's leg of the relay by about 3 minutes. So I'll just have to take his word for it. (He also happened to run a personal best of 2:00 flat.) Later on in the meet, he ran the open 800 meter. During the race you could tell he was struggling. He should have easily won the event. After the race he was on the sidelines favoring his left hip. That was 4 days ago. He seems "ok" now, we're hoping it's nothing serious. We're just getting to the important meets of the season, it would be a shame to get hurt now! Keeping our fingers crossed he stays healthy for 4 more weeks, then he can take some much needed time off. He's been running with barely a day off since last July.

1 comment:

Dale said...

Hooray, Alex, you've hit the 2:00 mark!!!! I sure hope that your hip is OK and that you'll be back to normal for the next meet. Nice work!