Sunday, September 30, 2012

McQuaid 2012

I really can't believe how fast the year is flying by. Today was the annual McQuaid Invitational in Rochester. This was the first year Alex was able to run in the big Varsity race.

Over 250 schools (and over 6,500 runners) competed in the 25 different races during the day. Alex's race was the 24th race of the day. Each of the largest schools in the state (and many schools from around the country...) entered only their top 7 runners for the Varsity AAA Seeded Race.
It was a very fast race, the conditions were perfect.

Here's Alex racing toward the finish.

He ended up placing 26th overall, and 2nd for his team. With a very fast time of 15:45.9 for the 3-mile course. Which was 9 tenths of a second shy of earning an "elite runner" badge. Here are the results from his race.

He did get a very nice medal and a t-shirt though.

I was looking back at pictures of past McQuaid meets and thought I'd show a photo of Alex's first McQuaid Invitational from 8th grade... what a difference 4 years makes.


Beth in NEPA said...

Another great showing Alex. We are so proud of you!

Dale said...

WOW! Impressive results, Alex! All your dedication and hard work is really showing!

Whitaker Woods said...

Great job Alex!