Monday, April 8, 2013


Well, this was interesting. Today Alex got a personal letter from the track coach at the University of Pennsylvania. I don't think he was expecting to get 'real' recruitment letters. He was kind of excited about it though! I think it's kind of neat and quite an honor, especially from an Ivy League school. Sure, he's gotten information from them for academics, but not for track! That's big! Well, academics is big too... but that's a given... 

I'm wondering if this changes Alex's outlook on how far he's willing to travel now... maybe Pennsylvania will be the place he ends up. I'd love to go down for a tour at least! Oh, and should I let the coach know there's a typo in the first sentence of his letter?.... it is an Ivy League school and all... 

1 comment:

Dale said...

VERY exciting news! Grandpa & I think Alex belongs at an Ivy League School! It's worth looking at and seeing what they have to offer him as an incentive.
Philadelphia is not THAT far away!