Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mmm. Donuts.

So I finally got to visit this donut shop I've been hearing about. It's in Phoenix, next to our bank. I had to run to the bank, so I thought, I might as well try that donut shop! It did not disappoint!

You start off with a plain (and by plain, I mean with nothing on it, there are about 10 different types of donuts to choose from) Then you pick a glaze or icing. Then you pick what toppings you want. I couldn't decide on just one, so I got a 1/2 dozen. I'm sure I can find someone to help me eat them.

Eric is in NYC this week. This is the view from his hotel, which is in Queens.

On the unemployment front, my first visit to the unemployment office is done. I was assigned a contact person and she went over a lot of paperwork with me. She was happy that I had applied to so many places already and had been keeping track. I signed up for an Interview Skills class, because I think I could use some professional help in that area. I've never really had to interview for a job before, it's mostly been word of mouth or I knew someone. I've been lucky. I also found out I can take classes to further my skill-sets. I'm looking into taking some web development classes. The state pays for it, so I might as well! I can design for the web, but my knowledge of web development is limited. There's a huge calling for a designer who can also develop. So I'm going to pursue that as an option. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Rainy Monday

It sure seems to be raining a lot lately. Well, except for Friday and Saturday during our yard sale, thankfully! We did well at the yard sale. Well, I should say, the kids did well. We did all the work, bought all the items at some point in the last 17-19 years at retail prices, and the kids kept the profits. Such is life I guess. Eric and I did manage to make enough profits for ourselves for a nice dinner out with friends and a weeks worth of groceries. Plus a little extra. So that was good! We're thinking of doing a few more hours next Friday morning, since Fridays seem to be the busiest sale days. If the weather is nice, we'll try to get rid of more stuff. Otherwise, it's all getting packed up and taken to the Good Will trailer. The basement is much cleaner, we don't need anything going back down there!

As far as the job search goes, I'm still plugging along. My interview at the RedHouse on Thursday was, well, odd. It would be nothing short of a miracle if they offered me a job. The interview was awkward and they didn't really seem interested in talking to me from the start. At least that was the feeling I got. When the executive director leaves to make phone calls, and then returns eating a piece of cake, you're kind of left feeling like you're the last thing on his mind. But, it was experience with interviewing and I kept a smile on my face.

Today I have a mandatory meeting with the unemployment office (also known as 'CNY Works'). That should be another interesting experience! I have to bring my resume with me. I'm hoping they will help with the job search rather than just say yep, you've got a resume, and send me on my way. I hear that 'CNY Works' is a decent place with some good opportunities for learning and gaining more knowledge about finding a job. Hopefully it will be a good thing.

Eric is in NYC until Wednesday. So I'm holding down the fort. Only a few more weeks until we have an empty nest...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rainy Wednesday

I keep needing to look at the calendar to figure out what day it is. It's odd not having a set schedule anymore. And Eric is off this week, so it's even more difficult to know what day it is!

Today I am not leaving the house. Which is fine, it's gross out. Rainy, humid, not very hair-friendly at all. So I'll stay in where it's cool and pleasant. Thank goodness for central air. I probably would have gone insane this summer if we didn't have that.

I have an interview tomorrow. I'm kind of excited for this one, it's a neat place. However, I'm afraid they won't pay near as much as I was making. But I'll think positive. You never know. It's for The RedHouse Arts Center. It's a graphic design/web design position. For both the Syracuse theater and the theater they have in the Adirondacks. They're getting ready to move into a bigger location. Which is ok with me, they are currently right next to WCNY. I'd rather be as far away from them as I can! But at least I'm familiar with the commute...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Weekend Fun

We took some time out this weekend to have some fun! Eric had Friday off, so we went out to the Fairgrounds to the Syracuse Nationals show. The weather was perfect. I found a car I wanted! I love that style and color. 

Eric also found a car for himself. 

This one reminded me of a certain road trip with my dad from VA to ME back in 1978... when we moved to Maine from PR. 

And speaking of my dad, these also reminded me of him! Maybe some day when he gets his car finished, he can come up for the weekend and show his car!

On Saturday we went to Margaritafest in Baldwinsville. The village shops really get into the fun. You stop at each place along the way for a Margarita sample. Then you end up at Papermill Island for a fun Parrothead concert. The weather was lovely and the Margaritas were fun!

Papermill Island is right next to Lock 24. It was fun watching boats going through the Lock system. 

Also this week, we finally replaced the sink in the small bathroom downstairs. What a nice change! We've been meaning to get that done for years. It's amazing what a leaking, cracked, rusted pipe will get you motivated to do! It was also nice that I was home during the week to let the plumber in to fix it. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Is anybody out there?

This has been a very, very quiet week on the job front. No phone calls. A couple of email rejections. But that's it. It's kind of eerie. And unsettling. But I will forge ahead and keep my head up.

It's been nice having time off though! The kids are happy that someone is there to cook breakfast and lunch most days. Jenny has loved the extra walks. The house is clean, the laundry is done every day. But I'm kind of going stir crazy. I'm not one for sitting around doing nothing all day. It's ok once in awhile, but not every day. I might have to get a part time job just to have somewhere to go! Although I'm making $10/hr from unemployment just for breathing. So you can't beat that.Well, you can. With a full-time job. But those don't seem to be jumping out at me.

I'm at Starbucks this morning. I had another gift card, so coffee was free again. I like getting out of the house and having a change of scenery.

I guess that's about it from here. Time to get back to the classifieds.

Friday, July 11, 2014


There seems to have an increase in activity in my search for employment. People are calling! Yesterday I had an interview in Aurora, NY with MacKenzie-Childs. A dream job with a horrendous commute. It was a lovely drive down to Cayuga Lake, but I'm not so sure I could do that 5 times a week. But not out of the realm of possibility would be a move a little closer. So I won't rule it out. It was a beautiful place. I could see myself there.

This is a view of the shop, offices and courtyard from across a pond. It was a beautiful day. 

This was the entrance. So pretty. 

When I returned home from my hopefully successful interview at MacKenzie-Childs, I got a call from Turning Stone Casino. They gave me an "assignment" (design an event poster) to do by Monday. If they like it, I get to go in for an interview. I kind of like that. It gives me a project to do and lets me be creative. Which hopefully will impress them enough to bring me in. Although, the funny thing is the how completely opposite the two companies are. For Turning Stone, I'd be designing posters and event signage for their night club. A little more risque than designing a catalog for ceramic tea cups and place settings. But either way, I'd be fine. 

Last night Eric and I met some friends (mostly former WCNY employees) for a nice bbq dinner. It's nice to keep in touch with old friends and share some wine. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My new (temporary) office.

This is my office today.

Thanks to a gift card my mom gave me for Barnes and Noble, I had a nice treat (Chai Tea, my favorite!) while I 'worked'. I sent a resume to The RedHouse Arts Center today. Their offices are right next to WCNY. What a hoot that would be. I already heard back from them and they said they would be in touch soon. Let's hope! That would be a fun place to work. It's a non-profit theatre company who does a lot of really nice things for the community. 

Back to work! I wouldn't want my boss to see me blogging during work hours.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 2

It's officially been 2 weeks since I left WCNY. I took the 4th of July weekend "off" from the job search. I would have kept looking, but it seems that companies stopped posting new jobs over the holiday weekend, so it was a good excuse not to worry about anything for a few days.

I had a phone interview screening last week. And on Thursday of this week, I have an interview. I have not had a job interview in 12 years. (I didn't really interview for the job at WCNY.) I have some studying to do. And a portfolio to put together. I have a simple on-line portfolio, but this place wants to see one in person. So that's tomorrow's project. I didn't get all of my samples from the WCNY, so I'll have to work with what I have.The interview is with MacKenzie-Childs for a Catalog Designer. It sounds like a dream to me! A beautiful setting in a mansion on Cayuga Lake. Sounds lovely! (Minus the 48-mile commute.) The phone interview last week was with SRC. I am pretty excited about that place. It's close to home and it's a wonderful company. Keeping my fingers crossed I get a real interview there. It was for a Marketing/Graphics position.

That's about all of the activity I've had on the job front. I'll send out some more tomorrow. Like I said, there was nothing being posted for the last few days, so it's time to start looking again.

In the meantime, the basement is coming along, there will be the first of possibly a couple of summer yard sales this weekend. We're cleaning up and clearing out.