Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Today was the 4th out of 12 infusions. He's 1/3 of the way done! The side effects hit pretty hard and pretty quick today. He actually fell asleep quickly after he started getting the chemo drugs. He said he could feel the effects right away this time.

This was the view for today. A new section and new nurses. We could see out the window, it was a gorgeous day for November 1.

We had a visitor today! Eric's former co-worker and friend Bob stopped by. Eric perked right up. We're hoping Bob can come to the next one too.

Today was the quickest day so far. We were done by 12:30. It helped that Eric had his blood work done yesterday, so when he got there today, they got him right in and started the infusion. Usually we have to wait for results of the blood work to make sure his numbers are ok. It was nice to get it done early so he could get home to rest. It also means the dreaded pump will come off 2 hours earlier on Thursday. That's very good news.

This is one of the drugs Eric gets before the chemo drugs start. It's a steroid that helps with the side effects and nausea. 

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