Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Night

This is our Friday night. Relaxation night. Eric took a nap after dinner, now he's surfing on his Surface. He's having a lot of issues with food. We've got to figure out some new foods he can eat. Mashed potatoes tasted like plastic tonight. That was a go-to comfort food. Plus he just doesn't feel like eating, so that's not good. I need to do some research and find some other options for him. If you've got any ideas or experiences to share, let me know!

Jenny got a new bark box yesterday. It was Thanksgiving themed. She LOVES her turkey sandwich. She also loves the pumpkin pie (with a dollop of whipped cream) squeaky toy, but the turkey sandwich is the new favorite. 

Bob took this photo the other day after I left the Oncology place. Eric still has his sense of humor!

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