Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Big Week

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. It's been a busy week here at The Hayden House! As most of you know, Eric had a big birthday this week. We had a big birthday celebration for him and had a fabulous time. Thanks to everyone who could come, and especially to Paula and my Mom for all the pre-party help! I posted a lot of photos from the party on Facebook and I'm pretty sure (I think) that everybody who reads the blog is also on Facebook, so you can check out the photos there if you'd like!

We have some other big news this week. And since my blog is private, I can announce it early! Tomorrow I am giving my 2-week notice at NewsChannel 9. I will begin my new job at WCNY on June 9th. I'm excited about the new job for so many reasons, of course a big one is that I'll get to work with Eric! And maybe I can hitch a ride to work on occasion in the Mini... heh heh heh. It will be a new experience for me not being involved with a newscast every day. I think I might enjoy it! I've been involved with news for almost 20 years, and I'm a bit burnt out. So I'm looking forward to new opportunities and a much shorter commute. I might be a little sad that I won't be the Applause Girl anymore for Bridge Street at the Fair... ok, maybe not. But I did have some fun over the last 6 1/2 years at Channel 9. Met a lot of wonderful people and had some great experiences. And now it's time for something new... and sorry everyone, no more free NewsChannel 9 Weather Calendars...


Greg and Diane Hayden said...

Congratulations on the new job. How exciting. Will you take off any time in-between jobs?

Linnette said...

Hi Amanda!
It sounds like you are excited and ready for this new opportunity! Wishing you the best and glad for you for the shorter commute!