Sunday, May 2, 2010

Productive Weekend

Slowly, but surely we are making progress updating the little things in the house. This was Alex's closet door earlier today.

And this is his closet door now. Isn't it amazing what a little update will do to a room?? (Oh, and there's a little "ding" on one of the doors, so I asked if I could get a discount and I did. I got them for $15 cheaper!)

Dad, this was going to be your Father's Day gift. It was an item at Tel Auc. But I didn't have a bid number... and since I was "volunteering" last night, I couldn't bid on this for you because you're not allowed to bid on the premises.... but it's the thought that counts, right?!

And speaking of Tel Auc, I volunteered again last night. Keeps me out of trouble! It also lets me spend time with Eric... since he has to be there. The above little video was from last night...


Beth in NEPA said...

Your father thought the "thought" was very nice.

Whitaker Woods said...

What a nice update to the closet.