Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone's new year is off to a good start. So far so good here. I start the new job on Monday at Channel 3. I'm trying to be positive about it. It could have been worse, I could be working at the mall or in a restaurant. At least I'll be doing a little bit of what I'm trained to do. And I'll be learning some new things as well.

I did hear from the Housing place. They called me on Friday. I thought it was nice how they gave me my rejection over the phone and not some generic email. I came in 2nd place. She was genuinely nice about everything, said she really was impressed with me and all I had to offer, but in the end, they went with the other person, who had more experience with PR. It made sense to me, so I'm really ok with it. That part of the job sort of made me nervous anyway. I still have a shot at the F.O.C.U.S. Greater Syracuse position. I should hear from them this coming week. I had a really good interview (at least I thought so!) with them. I was interviewed by a panel which included a board member from the Foundation I've been volunteering for. So that was kind of a plus for me! I felt really good after the interview, so at least there's that. If I don't get this job, it would be for the same reason I didn't get the Housing job. I just don't have a lot of experience in grant writing and PR work. But I do have a lot more to offer than most people who tend to have that kind of experience. And I tend to think grant writing is something you can pick up pretty easily, whereas design is not. So why not take a chance with me? Right?!

Not much else going on here. We're all in for the night thankfully, it's pretty icy out. We've been searching for our next 'vacation' spot today. I always get the urge for a warm vacation when it's so crappy out. We'll probably go to the Cape again the week of Labor Day, so we've been looking at houses to rent. We may just end up with the same place as last time, but it's always fun to look! And since I most likely won't have another day for 6 months (ugh), I'll need something to look forward to!

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