Monday, January 23, 2017

De Plane, De Plane!

Jenny got her latest Bark Box tonight. It was a Travel themed box. She LOVES the little airplane. It has not left her sight since. She also got a little duffel bag with a couple of tennis balls in it. But she doesn't have much interest in that. I know a couple of other dogs who would enjoy it... 

Jenny will always pause for the hope of getting some people food. The little airplane is resting close though. Eric had some homemade pizza that he was enjoying, Jenny might have gotten a little bite.


Whitaker Woods said...

Ball??? shhhh. B-a-l-l....

Amanda said...

Heh. We'll save the b-a-l-l for Bella.

Beth in NEPA said...

Awhhhh so cute. Not unlike out cat spooky sitting by patiently as Bill has his supper, hopeful of a share!!