Sunday, January 22, 2017


We've got nothing new to report on the health front. Today was much the same as yesterday. Which is a good thing. Lots of resting and eating going on. At least for Eric. I ran errands, took the dog for a walk and puttered around the house most of the day. Aside from the parts where I sat on the couch and watched tv. We finished The Crown. Now I can't wait for season 2.

We're expecting a ton of rain/snow tomorrow. And wouldn't you know our sump pump is acting up. That's about all we need right now. Eric is keeping an eye on it. It doesn't seem to want to shut off, so it's working more than it should and it could burn out. I worry with both of us at work all day that it might crap out. Alex is back at school as of today, so the house will be empty. Fingers crossed the sump pump holds on. We think it's as old as the house, so it probably needs replacing.

Back to the grind tomorrow. We sure have been enjoying our quiet weekends. 5 more days until the next one!

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