Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rest, Relaxation & Chowder

After last Saturday's 5k, and the pain that I've been experiencing in my leg, I gave myself a week off from all activity. I really thought that would do the trick. But as the days went on, the pain seemed to get worse. It's not going away like I had hoped. And I have absolutely no idea what's wrong, but it hurts to even walk now. So I made a doctor's appointment, which isn't until Wednesday. I really feel like I need to get back out there and exercise, but I'm afraid I'll do more harm than good. At least until I find out what's causing the pain.

In the meantime, it's been nice not doing anything. No running to the gym, or running or biking around the neighborhood after dinner. I'm kind of worried that I'll be really behind on my training now. But it's probably for the best. I couldn't run anyway and could have caused permanent damage if I continued to try.

This weekend was nice. Very relaxing. As Eric will tell you, I'm all about naps now! I think I got in a 3-hour nap yesterday afternoon. After our quick trip up to Rudy's on Lake Ontario...

I've been craving the Chowder from Rudy's, so we took the Mini up for a little drive. It was rainy and drizzly, but that's ok.

Here's a little taste of heaven in a Styrofoam cup.

Eric had a fish sandwich and some fries. (And a giant coffee ice cream for dessert!)

It was kind of foggy by Lake Ontario. It kind of reminded me of the Cape... where we'll be in a few short weeks! Maybe that's why I was craving some chow-dah!

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