Sunday, July 4, 2010

BBQs & Birthdays

Yesterday we went up to Sheila's house for a wonderful family BBQ! Greg & Diane and all their kids were all in town, so we took the opportunity to get together.

The weather was perfect to sit out on Sheila's beautiful deck over looking the river. There were water skiers and boats and jet skis passing by.

Greg was in charge of the BBQ. Oh, those steaks were good....

Kelly was very festive.

Emily and Diane will probably beg me to remove this photo. :)

Gary, Derk, Mark and Rich enjoying the day.

Chatting and hanging out.

Sheila made these tasty treats!

And we even celebrated Kelly's 5th Birthday! (It's next week, but since we were all together, we had a celebration for her.)

Which she loved!

Laura and Kelly help cut the cake.

Kelly opens her gifts with a big smile!

Laura wrote "Happy Birthday Kelly" in the driveway with some of the sidewalk chalk Kelly got for her birthday.

Isn't it sweet?? Nice job Laura!


Greg and Diane Hayden said...

Great photos to go with the great memories.

Whitaker Woods said...

So happy we could all be together to celebrate!