Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cape 2010, Day 1

There was "only" a 6-mile back to the Bourne Bridge. We were SO thankful not to have a standard transmission vehicle... Thank you again Sheila for letting us borrow the luxurious ride!! We appreciate it more than words can say. Especially during the 6-mile backup...

Almost there!

First stop, the ocean! Alex took this very nice picture of us on the beach.

Wondering how warm the water is... or wondering if they can see Europe. Or something.

The fun began at Seafood Sams! This is Chris and Mike. 2 of Eric's friends from High School. I'm sure I will have lots more photos of them and their families as the week progresses.

And this is my winning scratch ticket! On a whim I bought a $5 Red Sox scratch ticket as we were buying beer. And I won $100! I won 10 times on this one ticket. I've never had that happen before!

This is our cottage this year. It's cute and fun, and most importantly, right on the beach!

A look down from above.

And a look up from below.
We have free wifi here, so it looks like you'll be getting daily updates from the Cape! Today (Sunday) is the most perfect beach day ever. We're getting our stuff ready now and will plop ourselves down for the day.

1 comment:

Greg and Diane Hayden said...

Your place looks great and wifi... you've got it all.