Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cape Cod 2010: Day 5

Day 5 was shopping day. The women took off to the boutiques and souvenir shops while the men and children had another beach day. Of course my favorite Cuffy's was on the list of places to shop. And my favorite jewelry store Mrs Mugs was also a must-do. We found a few other neat shops along the way too. We all left a good amount of tourism dollars to the great state of Massachusetts.

We also enjoyed another fabulous BBQ at Mike and Melissa's and it rained a teeny bit. Not too much to spoil the fun, but it gave us this beautiful double rainbow. Then we watched Nature's Fireworks over Martha's Vineyard after the sun went down. They must have had a heck of a thunder/lightning storm! I'm glad it missed us.

In other non-Cape news, you must go check out The Daily Corgi. You'll never guess who the featured Corgi of the day is!

1 comment:

Greg and Diane Hayden said...

And we thank you for your tourism dollars.