Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Over-due Blog Update

Sorry, everyone! Boy have I been bad about updating this thing. I think I'll just do an over-view of what's been going on around the Hayden House and beyond...

1. On Sunday we had a pizza dinner (during a blizzard of course) with Gary, Paula, Sheila and the kids. For some reason I didn't take a single picture. That's not like me! We had a very nice time though... and Alex is certainly looking forward to having you all come back soon so Laura can play with his Wii again. (Sorry, Paula... that was too funny!)

2. I have Friday off this week and that's the day we're getting our new kitchen counters! I can't wait. They were supposed to be done the day after Thanksgiving, but they arrived with damage, so we had to reschedule.

3. I won $100! I never win anything. But for once luck was on my side. You can read all about it here. I always liked the Amazing Race. If there was one reality show that I could do, that would be the one.

4. Syracuse China is shutting down. So very sad. I will have to visit them and buy some things before they are "Made in China".

5. Speaking of sad, there were several layoffs at my old TV station in NH this past week. My thoughts are with those who were let go. When is all this economic trouble going to turn around??

6. There are a few fun Christmas parties coming up this next week. Saturday is MariRae's dinner party and Beeb's is having a party too. Then on Tuesday it is Eric's company Holiday party. Those are always a fun time! And it's at Coleman's Irish Pub this year. That alone means it will be fun! And I probably should have taken the next day off...

7. 2 weeks from tomorrow is Christmas! The house is decorated, the gifts have been purchased, the cards were mailed out today. I still need to wrap gifts, and maybe make some more cookies... but other than that, we're ready!

8. I haven't talked much about Jenny lately. She's into chewing things again. I have no idea why. Lately, it's the curtain in the front window. Thankfully, it came with the house, I hate it and just haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. However, when she's been chewing it apart, she's also managed to either chew, eat, swallow, hide (?) the metal washers that are in the lower corners of the curtain that weigh it down. I was going to take the metal detector to her stomach, but I couldn't find it. She seems to be digesting well, and things are still um, flowing normally, so we're hoping that no permanent damage has been done. Well, to her anyway. The poor curtain is toast.

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