Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Calendar Time!

Today I stopped off at one of the print vendors we use to pick up some work they had done for us. It was my favorite printer, the one who also happens to print the NewsChannel 9 Weather Calendar. Well, wouldn't you know, the calendars were there and done. My friend who works there brought me out to the press room where the calendars were being packaged up, and he put together a stack of them for me. I thought that was really great of him, seeing as how I don't work for NC 9 anymore. But I did design the calendar for them before I left. And my name is even on it. I was wondering if I'd have to pay for it this year. So... if anyone would like a 2011 Weather Calendar, let me know! I still have a source for freebies!!


Linnette said...

Would love a claendar that you designed!

3 Duquette Street
Rochester, NH 03867


Linnette said...


Greg and Diane Hayden said...

Count us in, love your work.