Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Another one bites the dust.

The third mouse has been caught, detained and released into the weekly garbage can. It's garbage day today, so they will be enjoying their new home at the dump. Or should I say, enjoying their forever resting place. RIP mouse family. If there are others, they will join you next week. I bought more traps and I'm setting them out tonight.

We got a little snow today. It was the windy, blowing, sticky kind of snow that stuck to the sides of the deck railings. It's kind of pretty. I think we got around 10" so far. It's still snowing. I'm happy I'm home where it's warm and dry. I ventured out earlier. I dropped Novak off at Wegmans for a long shift of work. Wegmans was and always will be busy. Snow doesn't keep these hardy Central New Yorkers at home. Hope anyone who had to be out in mess today stays safe. 

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