I'm ready to go, but waiting for the kids to get up. We're going to attempt to leave by 10am. I can't wait! I haven't been anywhere since last April when Alex and I went to Cleveland. And before that? The previous summer when we went to the Cape. I'm usually more of a traveler. I guess the high gas prices kept me home, or maybe I'm getting lazy in my old age.
Oh. I've been meaning to post this for the past couple of days, Alex got all A's on his latest report card. With an average of 95.2. Great job Alex!
And finally, we have discovered that we have a mean neighbor. I'm not sure how long he's been mean, I just noticed him this morning. I let Jenny out as usual at about 7am and got my coffee. Then I heard her bark once, then growl. So I checked on her and saw there was someone walking on the road. I opened the door to tell her to be quiet. Then she went about her business of sniffing around the yard. A minute or so later, I heard her bark once more, so I got her to come back in the house. As I was letting her off her chain, I heard a man yelling and dropping several f-bombs. I looked over and saw a man not only swearing at us, but giving us the finger as well. And not just one finger, but TWO fingers! (As seen in the below illustration...)

He was apparently quite angry at us! And I don't understand why. Jenny barked maybe twice, and was only outside for less than 5 minutes. We never leave her out for very long, because we know how annoying she can be. I was very surprised at his response. Maybe he's been angry for awhile and this was a last-straw sort of thing? Or maybe I never noticed him before! Who knows, but he was very rude. He could have come over and told us that she was annoying them, I would have understood. But to just swear at me and give me the finger over a couple of barks, that's just down right rude. Oh well. I guess it's true... fences make the best neighbors.
oh my, this is quite the drawing! I would leave Jenny out for 10 min. every day next week. Then 15 the following week. :)
Way to go Alex!!
What a mean neighbor. I bet you can come up with some good revenge.
My advice, is not to mess with crazy people. We had a neighbor like this once, and he called the police on us and other neighbors all the time - for dogs barking, playing music too loud, or any number of made up issues.
The final straw came when he called the police to report domestic violence at our house on Xmas Eve. The police woke up everyone in the house and checked to make sure we hadn't beat our children. It was horrible. We now live peacefully in another house, far away from the crazy neighbor :)
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