Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weekend Plans

It's only Wednesday and the weekend is already shaping up to be a busy one. And the weather is going to be spectacular, so I'm hoping to maybe do some yard work too.

Aside from the Tel-Auc that Eric will be working all weekend, I will also be attending a couple of events on my own. Friday evening a friend and co-worker is being honored at the "Toast with the MOST". It's an event to honor folks who go above and beyond for the MDA Association. I also had the opportunity to attend last year and had a fantastic time. There's food, silent auctions and great company. I'm really looking forward to attending.

On Sunday morning, I will be participating in the March of Dimes "March for Babies" at Onondaga Lake Park. A group of us from work formed a team and we'll be walking 3 miles to support the March of Dimes. I am looking forward to getting out and helping a great cause. And I must thank those of you who have donated money already to help support the March of Dimes. I must say, I have VERY generous and wonderful friends and family!! Thank you SO much for your donations. If I missed sending an email to anyone and you'd like to donate, feel free to go to my page and help out a great cause. Click here for the March for Babies. Let me know if you'd like to walk with us, it's going to be a beautiful day!

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