Last night Eric and I went to a Pawtucket Red Sox game. They were here in Syracuse playing the Chiefs. Usually we go to Chiefs games... not Red Sox games. But when the Red Sox are here, we don't really cheer for the Chiefs... we cheer for the Red Sox. There's probably something horribly wrong with that, but that's just the way it is!

Here's the view from our usual seats behind home plate. I love that net. It keeps us safe.

Here's a side view. It was a pretty good crowd, for Chiefs standards. Maybe it was all the Paw Sox fans... or maybe the new management and new affiliation is helping?
(The Chiefs are now affiliated with the Washington Nationals, they used to be affiliated with the Toronto Blue Jays.)

Now when I said "we" cheer for the Red Sox, I should clarify. Eric really doesn't cheer for anyone. He's really not a big baseball (or sports) fan. But it was very sweet that he went to the game with me! Here he is amusing himself with the iTouch. He was looking up something about clogged arteries... and how Fried Dough causes them. We had the greasiest Fried Dough ever at the game... And also some nachos with cheese, hot dogs and beer. It was a great evening! And the Sox won 6-2.
And in other news, I seemed to have peeked some interest with Eric's possible trip. I'll give another hint... he'd be flying there in a Military transport plane... that is equipped with skiis to land on ice and snow... Any guesses? (No fair guessing if you already know!)
Is he going to The arctic circle, land of the midnight sun??? for the longest "day" of the year????
or........... better still.....
a multiple choice
a. Antartic????
b. McMurdo station?????
c. Little America
or d. all of the above
They have ice and snow there.....
Oooo... so close with your guesses. Well the one about the Arctic Circle. And we didn't realize about the first day of summer being that week. That's neat!
Just think of the possible blog fodder this could provide:)
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