Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's a Small (Mini) World Afterall

Here are a couple of more photos of Eric's new Mini Cooper. He wants to get some white stripes for the hood...

And maybe some numbers for the doors... (Magnetic of course, so we can remove them if we want.)

Kelsey fits perfectly in the trunk of the Mini! Yes, it's a very small trunk. But isn't it cute?! And don't worry, I think we'll let her ride up front...

So speaking of small things... like the small world we live in. I have a very small world story to share. You all know how I love Facebook. I've enjoyed re-connecting with old friends from various parts of my life. Childhood, high school, college, former jobs I've had... I've become friends with cousins I've never met, and I keep in touch with family too. It's really a great tool.

Well, this past weekend I recognized a name in the "Suggested Friends" area. It was a girl I went to Jr High and High School with. We were pretty good friends in Jr. High. We would have sleep overs and go to Gymnastics together on Saturdays. (She was MUCH better at that than I was!) And honestly, I'm not sure the last time we saw each other, but it was more than 20 years ago. I sent her a friend request, which she accepted the following morning. With a question, "Where in Syracuse do you live?" I emailed her back and told her what town we lived in, and wouldn't you know. We live less than 5 miles away from each other, in the same exact town. This is really amazing when you realize that we went to High School in a very small town in Maine. Which is well over 500 miles from here.

We've sent several emails back and forth and are going to try to get together next week for dinner. I wonder if we've ever crossed paths at Wegmans and not even known it!!

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