I've been looking for some blogging ideas. (My life just isn't that exciting...) Something to give my loyal reading audience something new to read. I am going to do a "Five on Friday" type of list. I'll list my 5 favorite things of any given topic. And today I will start with my Five Favorite Horror Movies, since it is Halloween after all. These are my favorites of the past... since I can't really recall the last time I watched a horror movie! Notice that 2 of the 5 are Stephen King movies. I think 6-10 would be more of his movies. I used to be a big fan.
Feel free to list your own in the comments or on your blog.
Feel free to list your own in the comments or on your blog.
1. Friday the 13th Part 1
2. American Werewolf in London
3. Children of the Corn
4. Halloween
5. Christine
i wouldn't necessarily say they were my "favorites" but poltergeist and IT would be on my halloween scary movie list. those movies frighten me to the point of nightmares.
Not a big fan of horror movies But the scariest movie I ever saw was Psycho and according to a yahoo list that is #2 all time. I saw it when it was new... a long time ago.... It put all the frankenstein type movies of the past to shame.
Oooh.. Poltergeist. I forgot about that. Good one... and Psycho too. Classics!
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