Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day Trip

Eric and I took the Mini for its first road trip today. It did really well, even on the highway. I didn't feel at all like I was riding in a tiny vehicle when we were next to those gigantic tractor trailers. It looks a lot smaller than it feels!

We went to Rochester to watch Alex run in the McQuaid Invitational. The above photo is the Erie Canal. We walked over the canal to get to the race from the parking lot... that seemed like it was miles from the festivities. The colors on the trees are just starting to turn. I was surprised, I thought there would be more foliage than that.

Here's Alex running in his race. This Invitational was the biggest race I've ever seen in my life. There were over 7,500 runners that took part in the 27-races today. I'm not sure exactly how many were in Alex's race, but there were well over 400, probably closer to 500. We'll know exact numbers in a couple of days once they post results.

We spotted a Corgi near the finish line. Maybe we should have brought Jenny.... or maybe not. She probably would have tried to chase the runners.

Alex and I after his race. Obviously he's far too embarrassed to be seen with his mom!

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