Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's All Downhill After 40

I'm beginning to believe it when people say once you hit 40, you start falling apart.

Two weeks ago, I started getting pain in my right calf, down my Achilles tendon. I haven't been exercising (I know, I really should get on that...) so I knew it wasn't muscle pain from over-exerting myself. Today, I finally went to the doctor to get it checked out.

The good news is, I don't have a blood clot. The bad news is, I have tendinitis. At least that's what the doctor thinks. He put me on some anti-inflammatory medicine. It also happens to be an arthritis medication. Yes, arthritis.

Where'd I put that Ben Gay?...


Greg and Diane Hayden said...

You think 40 is bad, wait until you're 50...

Beth in NEPA said...

And then there are the 60s....

But... tendonitis can be gotten at any age........

ARTHRITIS....... I know ALL about that and so does your dad now.