Monday, March 23, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Last week, we followed the menu almost perfectly. We only switched 2 days around. But the entire menu was completed. This coming week, we don't have to feed any kids (except for tonight and Friday), so the menu will be very simplified. (On a side note, I do take salads to work for lunch quite often to at least get some green leafy vegetables into my system!)

Sunday: Chicken Pot Pie with mashed potatoes
Monday: Cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries and corn
Tuesday: Potato Soup
Wednesday: Burritos & Nachos... and maybe a beer or two
Thursday: Hot Dogs, beans and corn bread
Friday: Pizza & Wings
Saturday: ?

As always, be sure to check out the Menu Plan Monday website with hundreds of Menu planning ideas at "I'm an Organizing Junkie".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since we work from home, lunches are usually leftovers. It's a definite money saver.
These high winds are really kicking those of us wih allergies. Ugh!
Well, while I'm waiting for the coffee to brew I thought I would stop by MPM blogs and see what's being served.
Your menu sounds delicious.