Monday, December 21, 2009

A Case of the Mondays

Today I had one of those days. Last night I felt like I was coming down with something. I went from feeling fine to feeling crappy within a couple of hours. Then I slept like crap. Woke up with a fever and went to work anyway.

I had a doctor's appointment at 1:30 to have my neck re-examined. (I've been having muscle issues...) While I was there, he took my temperature (It was 100 degrees) and looked at my throat. And immediately prescribed me some antibiotics for my Strep Throat. Then I went back to work. I felt lousy, so I got everything done that I needed to get done and headed home a little early, hoping to stop at Wegmans to fill my prescription.

But as I sat at a stoplight, 3 miles from home. I got rear-ended. The damage was thankfully minimal. My neck went for a nice bouncy ride though. And it wasn't feeling that great to begin with. So they called an ambulance, had me looked over, filled out a police report and an hour or so later, sent us on our way. But not after another accident happened right in front of us. Commuters were not pleased with the huge back-up of traffic...

I was only able to snap a couple of photos. This was taken right as the ambulance got there. He was talking to the woman in front of me, the one that I hit. Due to the force of being hit from behind, I managed to slam into the car in front of me. The driver was fine, her car only had a couple of scratches. And she desperately wanted to be on her way. She had 4 children at home waiting for her.

The sun set before I left. In front of the paramedic is the other accident that happened because of our accident. I was so happy when I finally made it home tonight. If ever there was a day that I've thought I should have stayed in bed, this would have been it!

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