Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Bucket List

I'd like to thank Rebecca for this idea. First for pointing out the show The Buried Life, I think I'm going to watch it! And then for giving me the idea to make my own bucket list. And I think I will print it out and put it in my purse.

1. Spend 2 weeks in Ireland
2. Visit all of my former childhood homes
3. Play the slots in Las Vegas
4. Sit in the front row of a Red Sox, Celtics and Patriots game
5. Learn how to knit
6. Watch my son graduate from college
7. Drive across country in the Mini
8. Visit all 50 states
9. Cruise the Mediterranean
10. Gorge myself on Chic-Fil-A sandwiches
11. Go to the Olympics (as a spectator)
12. Ride a mechanical bull
13. Knit a sweater
14. Write a book
15. Swim with dolphins
16. Go to the World Series or Super Bowl
17. Have a Mint Julep at the Kentucky Derby
18. Go on a long train ride and stay in a sleeper car
19. Go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
20. Learn how to play golf
21. Run a 5k road race
22. Run a 10k road race
23. Run a Marathon
24. Visit New Orleans during Mardi Gras
25. Go to the Great Wall of China
26. Stay at the Contemporary Resort at Disney World
27. Be a contestant on a game show
28. Publish a book
29. Visit Athens, Greece
30. Cook a meal with Rachael Ray
31. Whiten my teeth
32. Spend a week (at least) in Key West. In the winter.
33. Play 18 holes of golf
34. Spend 2 weeks in Hawaii
35. Visit Audrey Hepburn's Star on the Walk of Fame

I know I could (and probably will) come up with more things I'd like to do. But this is a great start. Obviously some of them are pretty far-fetched. But why not dream big! Now go ahead and make your own list! Now I just need to win the lottery so I can get working on my list...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooooh, #12 & #18 are going on my list too!