Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Practice at Manley

This evening I took Alex up to his first practice at Manley Field House at the S.U. campus. He joined the Syracuse Chargers Track Club and they had their first practice tonight. They hold an informal practice once a week and have a meet once a month. It's a great program - for all ages. (I know, I know... I should join too... )

I was very impressed with the facility. I used to run at the Field House at the University of Maine and this facility is huge compared to that one. I love how open everything is. The pictures don't really do it justice. So you'll have to take my word for it! I tried to piece a few photos together to show how big it is.

I loved the seats above the track. (Alex is the one running in the yellow shirt.)

After his practice, we walked around the Carmelo Anthony Basketball Center. It's attached to Manley Field House. It was pretty impressive.

I think Alex is getting pretty tired of me taking pictures of him... but I couldn't resist! I think that giant "S" would look great in his S.U. room.

1 comment:

Beth in NEPA said...

I remember the days at UMO Field House, this is fancier!!!
Yes, probably you should join the club too and Eric too. (hehehe)