Thursday, December 17, 2009

NYC Trip and the Unhappiest State

Eric took a very quick trip to NYC on Monday & Tuesday. He went down with a couple of co-workers to shoot (errr... videotape) the Speaker of the NY State Assembly, Sheldon Silver. They are doing a documentary about him and his life in Manhattan's Lower East Side.

They toured the Lower East Side Tenement Museum while they were there. Mr. Sheldon grew up in a tenement. You can read about the Tenement Museum here. (Or you can click on the photo and read the sign...)

Eric's trip was very short, and they crammed a lot into their one day of shooting. He was happy to be home and said he felt like he had been beat up after lugging cameras and equipment all over the city.

I heard a story on the news tonight. And it explained so much. Finally, there is proof!! NY is the unhappiest state in the union. It's true. You can read about it here. Apparently the weather, taxes, and the high cost of living weigh heavily on our ability to truly be happy. I can vouch for that! Top 5 happiest states include Louisiana, Hawaii and Florida.


Beth in NEPA said...

Happiness is a STATE of mind. Not a state where you live!!! I can't personally imagine being happy in Louisiana except for a visit.

I was surprised to see Maine #10 though we were happy when we lived there.

As to the tenement museum, your father sold a few things to a woman who worked for the museum. Don't know if they were put in the museum or used in an auction to raise funds for the museum. It is an amazing place I would like to visit one day.

Amanda said...

I always thought Maine was a happy place. Every time I drove over the big Bridge entering the state, I always breathed a sigh of relief!

Margi said...

Illinois is close to NY on the list but most of us are happy-whatever that means. The state could be nicer to developmentally disabled people.
Greg and I went to the Tenement Museum in 1995. We got there on the red tour bus that you get on and off of. It was very interesting with all of the artifacts and hearing of how they lived. The rooms were tiny and housed lots of people. The latrine was out back.
They have a very nice bookstore-gift shop across the street. I found a book called A Dream Fulfilled- City & Suburban's York Ave Estate. I got a copy for Jeff L- he had lived there. I got one for myself too!