Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 Things That Made Me Happy in 2009

I had so much fun going back over the past year's blog posts and reading about everything we did. It's like an online journal. It made me smile and it was just what I needed. I've made up a list of 10 things that made me happy this past year. There are so many more, but these are great! There are links to each one for a past blog-post if you'd like to reminisce too.

10 Things That Made Me Happy in 2009

1. My husband's sense of humor
2. Wine
3. Fixing up our house
4. Cape Cod
5. Extra time off
6. Boston in the Spring
7. Spending Time with Family
8. The Best Day Ever
9. Watching Alex Run
10. Parties in the Country

I'm not really going make any resolutions this year. I find that they don't work. But I am going to try my best not worry as much about certain things that I have no control over and focus my energy on the things that are the most important to me.

Here's to a fantastic 2010! Happy New Year!!

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