Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Let it Snow and Other Random Things

Since it seems to have been awhile since I posted anything, I'm going to do a re-cap/random thoughts type of posting tonight.

* It's finally starting to feel like winter. But we have some catching up to do, we're last in the Golden Snow Globe contest. Which is fine with me, but unfortunately, that just means we'll be getting slammed. It's snowing now and is supposed to snow all day tomorrow too... so maybe we'll be moving up in the ranks.

* Eric has been out of town working in NYC. He's on his way back home right now. Hopefully he'll be home before midnight. And hopefully before it really starts snowing hard. He took my little camera with him, so maybe I'll post some photos soon (if he got a chance to take any). They were super busy and not there for very long!

* Tonight Alex and I had our annual Red Lobster mother-son dinner. He always gets me a gift card for my birthday and I enjoy getting to go to dinner with him. It seems to have become a tradition, and I like it! I kind of ate too much though... so I'm sort of uncomfortable as I type this... but it was sooo very good! I had the broiled seafood platter and Alex had the grilled salmon.

* I graduated today! From having to do 6-month mole checks, to only having to them once a year. That's a good thing. My doctor said I passed with flying colors and she didn't want to see me again for a year. Unless of course something becomes suspicious. But, as long as I keep staying out of the sun and loading on the sunscreen when I have to be in the sun, I should be ok.

* We have a couple more Christmas parties in the next week. My company party is Friday night, Eric's is next Tuesday. We're hoping to be able to attend them both. But the calendar sure is filling up. With appointments, athletic events, practices, etc. It sure is a busy time of year.

* Does anyone watch LOST?? I just saw a promo for the new (and final) season. I'm so excited to start watching it again! I hope they start showing some recaps soon so I can remember what was going on...

* We've been searching lately for a place to vacation next summer. I seem to always do that when the weather gets cold. It gives me something to look forward to! I've found interesting rentals in the following areas: The Cape, Lake Winnipesaukee, Lake Ontario, and the Poconos. Where should we go?? I love them all... too bad we can't stay a week at each place!

* Hmm. Only 10 days 'til Christmas. Are you ready??


Greg and Diane Hayden said...
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Greg and Diane Hayden said...

Winnipesaukee is very nice. My most favorite quilting store, Keepsake Quilting, is in Meredith, NH, my slice of heaven.